The 5th to the 9th of September is National Payroll Week (you have, of course, had it circled in your diary for months, haven’t you?). But in addition to the flurry of charity bake-offs and dress down days within the industry, there’s a serious job to do.
It pays to learn. That’s the concept behind this year’s National Payroll Week, and organisers are hoping that everyone in the industry will take the opportunity to share some of their knowledge, and raise the general level of financial understanding.
It doesn’t have to be intricately technical. You can explain the most obscure elements of your payroll software system if you really wish, but it seems that the majority of us have gaps in our knowledge about far simpler things. And whilst the meaning of a tax code suffix may be screamingly obvious to those within the industry, it frequently isn’t to anyone else.
So this National Payroll Week, we’re asking our team to make the sort of conversations that usually end with “well I never knew that” a part of every client chat.
If there’s something you see on your wage slip every month that you just don’t understand – from tax codes to National Insurance deductions, GIYE or pension contributions, make National Payroll Week the time when you finally find the answers.
Talk to your payroll provider, and if you don’t have one yet, give us a call and ask away. You can talk to us here.
The post National Payroll Week appeared first on Just Global Payroll.