5 ways to reduce absenteeism
Crikey. According to new research, when your staff call you to tell you they’re ill, most of the time they’re not. Here’s what you can do about it. It’s just after 9.00am. In your payroll department, a...
View ArticleWhat happens if you miss your AE staging date?
With more than a quarter of small businesses unaware or unclear about their responsibilities ahead of this week’s auto enrolment staging date, we ask what happens next? If your business employs 30-49...
View ArticleRaising money for charity can be done even during the busy working week!
We did it and if we can, any business can….it just needs time and organisation. We set the date to run a charity day and went from there. All the staff were involved and did a tremendous job asking our...
View ArticleWill wages rise in 2016?
The National Living Wage. Inflation. International pressures. The labour market. Mix them all together for the (possible) answer to one simple question: will your wages go up next year? National Living...
View ArticleJust Payroll Services: Three ways that technology alleviates workplace stress
Workplace stress is one of the biggest causes of absence in the UK. Research carried out by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found that 440,000 cases were recorded 2014/15. It was cited as the...
View ArticleBenefits in kind kinder in 2016?
In April 2016, benefits in kind are changing. There has never been a clear threshold of value for benefits in kind. It has always been down to the discretion of HMRC to determine what is and isn’t a...
View ArticleIs paper time and attendance hurting your payroll?
Outsourcing your payroll takes a costly, time consuming process and eliminates it from your day to day operations. How much more time and money could you save if you changed your time and attendance...
View Article5 new tax year changes
As another end of financial year steams into view (already?) we look at the changes you’ll need to making to your payroll in preparation for 2016/17. National Living Wage From 6 April 2016, the...
View ArticleThe cost of keeping payroll in house?
A new report suggests that organisations that keep their payroll, time and attendance and workforce admin in-house will pay 20% more than they would if they outsourced it. We explore how financial...
View ArticleHanging on the telephone?
Self-assessment deadline date puts extra pressure on HMRC phone lines, and makes already lengthy waiting times longer still. So if that tricky payroll problem requires a call to someone at HMRC today,...
View ArticleWhen is a benefit in kind trivial?
From 6 April, “trivial” benefits in kind will no longer be taxable. So just what counts as trivial? Across the country, payroll teams are gearing up for the new financial year. One of the most...
View ArticleHow ‘keep in touch’ days affect payroll
You’ve a member of staff on maternity leave or shared parental leave. They can, by agreement, return to work for a number of days as a way of keeping in touch. But what are the details? Keeping in...
View ArticleSomething had to give – is the National Living Wage backfiring?
It was supposed to place the lowest paid on a more secure footing but 1 month in, is the National Living Wage already backfiring? As you’ll no doubt know from the raft of changes you’ve recently had...
View Article95% of small businesses who should have auto-enrolled, have done
It’s been a while since we looked at the levels of compliance with auto-enrolment requirements. So how many businesses are getting it right, and who’s on the naughty step? If there was ever a risk to...
View ArticleQueen’s Speech outlines new auto-enrolment protections
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) is being given new powers to protect auto-enrolment pensions that use master trust schemes. The concept is sound enough: SMEs seeking a way to auto-enrol their employees...
View ArticleHow outsourcing payroll can prevent HMRC penalties
Think outsourcing your payroll is the preserve of big business? The latest HMRC crackdown might convince you otherwise… When HMRC announced it was going to focus its attention on payroll tax errors,...
View ArticlePayroll fraud costing firms £12 billion each year
Is your payroll open to abuse? And if it is, what can you do about it? Here’s an eye-watering statistic: private sector businesses are losing £144bn to fraud each year. In that context, the £12...
View ArticleHow will Brexit affect your payroll?
The EU hokey-cokey has stopped with Britain deciding it’s out. So what does that mean for your payroll? It’s worth prefacing this post with an almighty ‘don’t know’ as the UK starts to come to terms...
View ArticleSMEs ‘doing it themselves’ is increasing risk
New research finds a lack of dedicated payroll and HR expertise is putting SMEs at greatest risk of regulatory and compliance failures. If you run an SME, chances are you won’t have dedicated HR or...
View ArticlePayroll software not accepting your KC code?
Why the latest NI prefix is causing a spot of bother, and what you can do about it. If, like us, you spend more time than is healthy scanning the pages of the HMRC website, you may have noticed the...
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